
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

prayers for little sister, please!

Little Sister is having a birthday on Saturday! She is getting the world's worst birthday present: a colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. I'm just glad she's too young to remember.

She has been seeing a pediatric GI doctor for her chronic diarrhea problems and they haven't been able to find anything wrong with the blood and stool tests. She is having the procedures done tomorrow morning. I haven't been very stressed about it because I'm a "last minute stresser" and the last minute seems to be starting. I'm not very stressed about the tests, but I am stressed about the anesthesia. She's so little!

Next on the list for birthday celebrations....immunizations next Tuesday! The poor girl can't win.


sheri said...

Oh my goodness! She's gonna be TICKED when she finds out she got a colonoscopy and Big Brother got to go see Monster Trucks!
And how scary. I'll definitely be keeping you and Little Sister in my thoughts and prayers. Be sure to let us know how it goes as soon as you can! HUGS

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

(((HUGS))) and prayers coming your way! Hope all goes well!

Anonymous said...

I love you guys and always pray for you and your family, but I will send a special one out for little sister. We need to talk and I can't get a hold of you. Stop with the phone tag already.

Chrissy said...

HUGS~~PRAYERS~~PEACE; may she hear angel lullabies while the anesthesia does its work. :-)C

Anonymous said...

Can your son come over to play during Little Sister's scopes? My kids are on a break and Bud would love to have him over for a while.

I hope everything turns out ok for her, and she's definitely in my prayers tonight.

ALI said...

they give some great meds with a scope, i have been told you don't even care, hope your little girl has an ok time of it.

ellen said...

She's in my Boston prayers.

Anonymous said...

Prayers for her. Prayers for you. (I think you need them more... to ease your mind.)

Mall Worker said...

Poor little sister! My thoughts and prayers are coming your way!

sheri said...

I'm thinking of you guys. Let us know how it all went when you get a chance.

Nicole said...

Poor little sister, we will pray for her.

Missy said...

It is so hard to grow up these days!!! My prayers are with you and little sister as well. Poor girl!