
Thursday, December 08, 2011

early resolutions

Oh, blogging world. I've missed you. Really, I have. I'm not just saying that to make me you feel better. Guess what, blogging world? I'm resoluting in 2012 to add blogging back to one of the 'things I do.' (Yes, fully aware that 'resoluting' is not a real word. But, you like it too, don't you?) I'm also resoluting to work on a weakness in 2012. That weakness, friends, is Procrastination. (I know...some of you were on the edge of your seats waiting to see just which weakness I would choose. Yes, there were many to choose from.)

Here I sit fulfilling a New Year's Resolution before the New Year has even arrived. Take THAT, Procrastination!

So there's that: Two of my resolutions for 2012. I'm not sure if I have any more...I'll figure that out some other time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you're back to the blogosphere!
Cheers, Wendy Connelly