
Wednesday, March 07, 2007

top five signs your family watches CARS too often

5. When picking out matchbox cars at the store, your 4-year-old insists on trying to find a Cadillac.

4. "Ka-Chow" is a regular part of your family vocabulary.

3. Everytime you drive somewhere, your 4-year-old wonders "are we going on the interstate?"

2. A trip the gas station is not complete without the phrase "No Tires, Just Gas!"

1. When you call your 2-year-old a Drama Queen she declares "I'm NOT Drama McQueen!"


frugalmom said...

That is too funny!

sheri said...

Funny! We love that movie here, too. And welcome back! Oh, how I've missed you so.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My Gosh. You forgot the EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE sound. You know, the roaring of the motor. We love that here. (or do we?)

Alicia said...

I almost put that one, Em...with a link to YOUR blog so you could tell all about it, lol!

Anonymous said...

How cute! I miss you and your kids so much.

Butterfly Mama said...

LOL!!! That's too cute!!

Char @ Crap I've Made said...

LOL! We haven't actually made that purchase yet....perhaps we never will....

Alissa said...

yay hooray... welcome back. now tell us all about AZ.

Lee said...

ROFL! Glad yo see you, welcome back to the land of the living.
We love this movie.

Anonymous said...

I love your kids and I look forward to adding things like this to our family vocab as well.

Meemer said...

that makes me laugh!

Anonymous said...

Little Man has taken to peering out the windows and excitedly screaming "MAC!" at the top of his lungs at each and every semi that goes by.

I feel your pain.

Randy said...

dude! I love that movie. those seem to be all the qoute and I use and my view of life anymore. I want the caddy too.

Hope you're well and we see ya agin sometime. TOKEN MALE COMMENTS