
Tuesday, May 06, 2008

with a new look comes more fun as well

I've made an executive decision here at the garden to share some top-secret information with you, my favorite reader (and other members of the general public). What info? The spud's names. As more and more of my IRL (in real life) friends become MOF (my online friends) security is being breeched anyway. So here they are----Meet the spuds:

Taylor, aka Little Boy:

Sidney, aka Little Sister & Fat Girl:

Stella , aka Susie Spud: You may now die know everything.


Char @ Crap I've Made said...

Oh my gosh! That picture of Stella is HILARIOUS!

Unknown said...

Those pictures are great, Sid's is very pretty!

Rachelle said...

So cute! Your children are so beautiful!

Kristine said...

Your kids are beautiful! Quick question for you: Are you still updating your Growing Safe Spuds blog? I'm due with twin girls on September 2 and was wondering what your opinion is about which infant car seats are the safest. Thanks!


ditndetes said...

hve I ever mentioned how freaking cute your kids are? Oh my goodness, I just wanna squish them and kiss them!

sheri said...

Great pictures and I totally giggled out loud at Stella's!

kimberly said...

They're all so cute! Hope you are all doing well. You can see what we're up to at

Glad you're updating your blog, I love to read it.

Company EIGHT said...

SO cute! LOVE them!

Kendra said...

I love the change and the new header. I also love how you have a picture of Sidney & Stella with the same face, they are sisters!!!!

Cortney Clegg said...

hey! I was blog-hopping and found you guys! nice blog! haha! I particularly love that last pic of Stella. Your kiddos are pretty dang cute. I'm almost finished with that book you gave me...I'll have it back to you on sunday. :)

Anonymous said...

I feel so lucky to finally know your real names. (tee hee!)

I can't wait for you to come next month!!! Yay!

Anonymous said...

You have a precious, gorgeous family!