"It will be fun, right?"Famous last words.
I hadn't planned on blogging while we are away on our trip, but I've got plenty of time on my hands now.
All my worry about getting to the airport, luggage checked, and to the gate should have been the least of my concerns. That part was the easiest part of the trip thus far. Our flight left right at naptime. I fooled myself into thinking that Little Sister would nap through the flight while Little Boy colored happily next to us. Ha ha ha. Little Sister did not nap despite the Benedryl I gave her (ya, I drug my kids, what's it to ya?). I saw a new side of her that I don't care to ever see again. Little Boy did not color, but he was very well behaved most of the day. We were all very happy to see Daddy when we finally arrived.
My kids sleep a lot. Little Boy averages about 12 hours a night and Little Sister about 13 hours a night with a 1 1/2-2 hour nap every day. They need sleep and they sleep well. Not so away from home this time. They both got about 8 hours of sleep last night. Guess how happy they are? Not very. Oh, but keep reading...you're still at the easy part of the trip.
We went out to see some sights and about 20 minutes into it, we stop and as Steve leaned down to get Little Boy out of his carseat, I heard "aaahhhhh! Oh no!" Steve fell to his knees on the pavement and was holding in back. He couldn't get up and said he was in severe pain. Finally, I got him to the passenger seat and back to the hotel where I had to get a wheelchair to get him to our room. Wanting to avoid the cost of the Emergency Room, we found a medical center and made him an appointment for a couple hours later--right during naptime. Instead of settling Little Sister down for a much needed nap, I loaded two tired kids and one hurting husband into the car and headed to the doctor. A demerol shot, a steroid shot, some Vicadin, a muscle relaxer, an MRI, and five hours later, we made it back to our hotel.
The next two days should prove to be interesting. May I have some of that Vicadin, please?